Hi,I'm Norwood.
“The course of life is unpredictable; no man can write his autobiography in advance.” AJH
As a clinical resident, I view my role as assisting clients in living a self-directed life. I am a battle-tested clinical resident who can empathize with clients with backs slammed against a wall and want to make a change.
And after it all, I am still standing, and so will you.
I will encourage you to look above because "Only when it is dark enough can you see the stars." Sometimes, we must go through darkness to see the beauty in life, like the stars in the sky.
We will work together and devise solutions for you to take steps forward, especially when you are afraid. I support and will always encourage the client's self-determination.
Please know this journey will require you to do some work, so come prepared.
We will walk together until you are confident enough to walk alone!